Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feline Freebooters

That's right, more Pirate Cats

It's a bit hard to tell what's going on with the bearded guy on the above right sketch. I was going to have him heavily tattooed. The fish above his eye worked out ok, but the ship on his chest is pretty pathetic and the more I tried to cram some form in there to add some structure the worse it got. Oh well.


  1. Nice scruffy cat on the bottom left...looks pretty dastardly...been a few days since a post...thought you might have gotten kidnapped and was thinking of berating you a bit...

  2. Yeah I think I like him best as well. Yes I've deliberatly put the blog on the backburner to concentrate on some other projects, but I hopefully can keep updating. Twice a week is my goal, but even that is proving tough. Thanks for all your comments Brian, they are always appreciated!

  3. CUTE!!! Fat fluffy cat... :) Love it!

  4. just ran across your page, hope you have the time to continue.

    in .you are very talented.
