Monday, February 21, 2011

Pirate Cats- Marooned


  1. Really like the more complete feel of these...I mean I like seeing your sketches of character concepts too...but these really throw out some atmosphere and take it to another level of greatness...

  2. Thanks folks. Yes Brian, I'm making a concerted effort to put a bit more into my sketches lately. My hinderance is mainly that doing them in pen and marker, I've always just viewed them as one shot sketches- if something doesn't work out, I abandon it and move onto something new. Whereas with my normal work, I'd do it in pencil with a lightbox and continually fix and refine till a scenario is right, these I always just figured I had one shot at. It kept me from attempting anything too complex. But I thought, what the hey. I like the Pirate Cats concept enough and it suggests so many settings and ideas. There's a few more I still haven't posted so check back soon.
