Monday, January 3, 2011


Do you ever start drawing an anthropomorphized animal, and then decide it's too similar to an existing character, or just too cliche, so you take steps to make it "not" that animal, but then all you're left with is a weird drawing that you really can't explain, and you wouldn't even have to explain it because it's just in your sketchbook, but then you decide to post in on your blog where it kinda begs an explanation?
Oh good. I was starting to think that I was the only one.


  1. That's funny...I've had many such 'what the crap was I thinking' a matter of fact after moving I just reviewed a whole bunch of work that I did that went directly into the dumpster...even stuff that people wanted...I even took some of it off my blog because it was such crap...and still got more...but I always tend to learn a lesson or two I suppose...

  2. I'm sorry, did you just call my drawing crap?

  3. Nah...I like your drawing...I was agreeing with the granny used to say...sometimes you just have to call a terd a terd...and then bury it...
