rotating banner

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
I love the retro 50's and 60's style of artwork, but am always hesitant to do much of it because I feel that there are so many people who do it better and are more knowledgable about what it really is- so often "retro" is applied to things and it's become a very watered-down term. But I've been playing with my brush pen, still trying to figure out what it's best used for, and I doodled this guy. Hope you like him.
1960's style,
bowling shirt,
hornrim glasses,
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Pull up a stool, Matey...
I'm working to flesh out some of my Pirate Cat designs. I posted a sketch of this guy over 2 years ago and thought he had such great personality that he was a natural cantidate to paint. The fun part was figuring out just what type of cat he should be. Here he is, in a shadowy corner of the Keelhauled Kitty Pub, regaling listeners with a tale of his adventures.
Gouache on Illustration Board
This reminds me of something Neil Gaiman said: “Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets.”
cartoon animals,
pirate cats,
traditional painting
Friday, November 16, 2012
Expo Ahoy!
I'm going to the Creative Talent Network Animation Expo this weekend, so I threw together this postcard to promote my blog, and specifically my Pirate Cats.
Will you be at the Expo?
pirate cats,
Monday, November 5, 2012
Dr. Sketchy's- Aubree Servillo
I finally went to a figure drawing session at my local Dr. Sketchy's. Being just a few days before Halloween, there was a Day of the Dead theme, and the model, Aubree Servillo, had appropriately macabre makeup. Figure drawing is such a challenge for me, but here are two drawings that I'm not totally ashamed of.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Owl perch and wand holder
This isn't the sort of thing that I normally post about, but I have historically shown a few crafty things I've made, so I thought I'd show this.
My daughter is a huge Harry Potter fan (ok, my wife and I are too) and last year we went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Florida. She came home with a ton of merchandise. I immediately started thinking about neat ways to display some of it, rather than just shoving it in her closet. It took about a year, but this year for her birthday I finally made her this combination owl perch and wand holder. I wanted it to look like something that might be standard issue in a Hogwarts dormitory, so I stained it red and added a gold medallion and G for Gryffindor. My initial plans called for much more distressing and even fake owl poop to really make it look old and worn. But for time's sake, and making sure it would be something that a little girl would like, I kept the final one nice and clean. Also, the little ramikan was just something I put on there for the picture. I did want to have a worn clay dish or something either filled with birdseed or little mouse bones, for the owl to nibble on, but again, budget and time won out.
Harry Potter,
magic wand,
owl perch,
wand display,
Monday, October 22, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Electronic Mechanized Felinoid
Here's the robot cat I drew for Space Base 8, the cool webcomic drawn by my friend David Scott Smith. He posts submissions of Rockets, Robots, and Raygun's on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You should send him one.
cartoon animals,
david scott smith,
Monday, October 8, 2012
Jarrod Boutcher Puppets
This is something I did for Jarrod Boutcher, super talented puppet designer/creator who did the Little Brother puppet I blogged about ever so long ago. Jarrod always amazes me with the variety of characters that he creates and I've long wanted to paint some of his characters. You should really check out his blog here .
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Great galloping gizmoids!
I drew another robot for SpaceBase8's Robot Wednesdays.
These are more fun to do than I anticipated. You should do one too!
david scott smith,
robot design,
science fiction,
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Let's multi-task
Over at SpaceBase8, the nifty webcomic drawn by my friend David Scott Smith, Wednesdays are Robot days. New strips are posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but every Wednesday, Dave posts a drawing of a robot- the great part is that he'll post your drawings too. Here's mine.
Send him one. Send iiiiiit! Or if robots aren't your thing, maybe you can draw a Raygun (he posts drawings of those on Mondays) or a Rocketship (posted on Fridays). You can email your submissions to .
david scott smith,
other artists,
science fiction,
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Animal sketches,
cartoon animals,
funny squirrels,
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Project Omni
A little while ago, I wrote an atypically cryptic blog post about the 1960's and sci-fi stuff like miniaturization and molecules and things. And I showed a picture of a logo I had designed. Remember? Well that logo was just a small part of a short film that my friend Roby Brown at Windup JetPack was working on. He wanted to create a Preshow Film for the classic Disneyland attraction Adventure Thru Inner Space which operated from 1967 until 1985. If you were fortunate enough to ride that attraction, you'll remember that while you got a lot of information waiting to board your "atommobile", there was no Preshow Film persay- Roby, like all good creative people saw this absence and saw it as an opportunity to make something. It's an awesome little film and I'm happy he asked me to help. Check it out below.
Makes you want to don mouse ears and hop in line to get miniaturized doesn't it? Or at least to dust off the old chemistry set.
Before you do though, here are just a few of the various versions of the logo I designed for ATOM, the Association To Optimize Miniaturization. I love 60's styling, so it was fun to design the corporate logo for this fictional firm.
Makes you want to don mouse ears and hop in line to get miniaturized doesn't it? Or at least to dust off the old chemistry set.
Before you do though, here are just a few of the various versions of the logo I designed for ATOM, the Association To Optimize Miniaturization. I love 60's styling, so it was fun to design the corporate logo for this fictional firm.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Beach Girl
figure drawiing,
pretty girls,
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Approaching Adventure
The 1960's: a decade of unprecedented technological advancement. Despite the chaos of the times, American industry kept a hopeful eye on the goal of the moon, and further, on outer space. But what if instead of trying to reach the moon, those industries had turned their efforts inward. Not to the stars, but towards the very molecules that composed our world.
One company did.
Association To Optimize Miniaturization
Coming Soon...
logo design,
science fiction,
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Oh yeah.. the reveal
I just realized that I never revealed which of the fifty some paintings for the Chuck Jones Center For Creativity Red Dot auction was mine. It's this one:
I think I said before, this was very fun to do. I do a lot of work for Disney, but love Chuck's work and style, and haven't painted on canvas in a very long time. It's always fun to do something different.
The event was exciting- my first real Gallery showing, and with the added thrill of all of the pieces being up for auction. I didn't care how much it sold for, as long as it sold!
Look- Bids! Whew!
Never did get to meet the winner, but I hope they are enjoying the piece.
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